Thursday 26 March 2015

Brawn & Brains

Consecutive cafe adventures can be really financially straining. But, who doesn't love spending quality time with their peers, reminiscing over the good o' days. For quality sandwiches, brilliant coffee, exceptional service and at an affordable price - Brawn and Brains is definitely at the top of the list.

The cafe is situated in a cozy corner of the Old Badminton Hall along Guillemard Road. It is not the most accessible cafe, but I promise the effort and time to travel down on additional bus transport is totally worth every single cent.

If you're travelling by public transport, hop on to Bus 7 and 197 right outside Kallang MRT Station and alight at After Singapore Badminton Association, 4 stops later. Simply cross the road from the bus stop, step into the Old Badminton Hall and walk to the end.

My friend ordered the Mushroom and Cheese Sandwich ($7) and I gleefully took a bite on it. The sandwich tasted really flavourful from the fresh tomato puree topped with mushroom and cheese. He loved it and I thought it deserved a mention.

However, I prefer my choice on the Beef Pastrami Sandwich ($7.50).  It was a plate of satisfaction as I teethed through the different layers - from the crunchy and well toasted pastry, well seasoned beef, juicy tomatoes, fresh lettuce to the splash of vinaigrette that made it so complete. Not forgetting the chips laid at the side. I got so addicted munching on them before tucking on the sandwich. 

As usual, I ordered a cup of Flat White ($3.50) to go with the meal. Their coffee could easily make the people around the vicinity go crazy everyday for their freshly grind beans and lovely latte art (and the price). Furthermore, it was robust, a tad nutty and most importantly well concentrated.

My only rant is the size of the cafe which couldn't house many customers. BUT, look at the delectable food, coffee and warm service presented at such an affordable price. It was all worth the shoulders rubbing with other customers sharing the table. If you're looking for a light meal and wish to avoid the overpriced cafes outside, I strongly recommend Brawn and Brains. Hope to be back soon!

100 Guillemard Road, 399718
Tuesdays to Fridays, 9am - 7.30pm
Saturdays & Sundays, 9.30am - 7.30pm

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