Thursday 26 March 2015

Brawn & Brains

Consecutive cafe adventures can be really financially straining. But, who doesn't love spending quality time with their peers, reminiscing over the good o' days. For quality sandwiches, brilliant coffee, exceptional service and at an affordable price - Brawn and Brains is definitely at the top of the list.

The cafe is situated in a cozy corner of the Old Badminton Hall along Guillemard Road. It is not the most accessible cafe, but I promise the effort and time to travel down on additional bus transport is totally worth every single cent.

If you're travelling by public transport, hop on to Bus 7 and 197 right outside Kallang MRT Station and alight at After Singapore Badminton Association, 4 stops later. Simply cross the road from the bus stop, step into the Old Badminton Hall and walk to the end.

My friend ordered the Mushroom and Cheese Sandwich ($7) and I gleefully took a bite on it. The sandwich tasted really flavourful from the fresh tomato puree topped with mushroom and cheese. He loved it and I thought it deserved a mention.

However, I prefer my choice on the Beef Pastrami Sandwich ($7.50).  It was a plate of satisfaction as I teethed through the different layers - from the crunchy and well toasted pastry, well seasoned beef, juicy tomatoes, fresh lettuce to the splash of vinaigrette that made it so complete. Not forgetting the chips laid at the side. I got so addicted munching on them before tucking on the sandwich. 

As usual, I ordered a cup of Flat White ($3.50) to go with the meal. Their coffee could easily make the people around the vicinity go crazy everyday for their freshly grind beans and lovely latte art (and the price). Furthermore, it was robust, a tad nutty and most importantly well concentrated.

My only rant is the size of the cafe which couldn't house many customers. BUT, look at the delectable food, coffee and warm service presented at such an affordable price. It was all worth the shoulders rubbing with other customers sharing the table. If you're looking for a light meal and wish to avoid the overpriced cafes outside, I strongly recommend Brawn and Brains. Hope to be back soon!

100 Guillemard Road, 399718
Tuesdays to Fridays, 9am - 7.30pm
Saturdays & Sundays, 9.30am - 7.30pm

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Hyde & Co.

Tailed the buzz on Hyde & Co. and decided to make our way there for afternoon tea! The cafe is located at 785 North Bridge Road, walking distance from Bugis MRT station (approximately 15 minutes).

I exceptionally loved the kinfolk inspired setting that made almost every picture taken Instagram worthy. The cozy cafe was rather quiet during tea time, perfect to get a little chatty on catch ups.

We settled for the English Afternoon Tea Set ($19.90) which consists of two scones, bite-sized sandwiches and a pot of tea of your choice. Picked the Earl Grey Tea without hesitation and had an additional Flat White ($5) to pacify my caffeine addiction.

You can't deny how photogenic the setup look. 

The Earl Grey Tea was surprisingly refreshing. I could taste a tint of flowery fragrance lingering around my palate. It coupled well with the scones and sandwiches. However, I felt that the sandwiches fell a little short in fillings and got me a little desperate for more strawberry jam.

In a hindsight, I felt that it was a little pricey for the light afternoon tea (served only from 3pm to 6pm) but the ambience and good service made up for it. The overall experience was pleasant and I look forward to taste their breakfast/lunch meals soon!

Hyde & Co.
785 North Bridge Road, 198753
Opening hours: 11am to 6pm
Closed on Tuesdays
Nearest MRT Station: Bugis

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Chocolate Caramel Rocher Tart


1 cup of icing sugar
1 cup of butter
1 2/3 cup of plain flour
1/4 tsp of salt
Vanilla extract
1 large egg

1. Place the butter in the bowl of a mixer fitted and beat on low speed until creamy. Add the sugar, salt, vanilla and eggs, beating on low speed. 
2. Add the flour in 2 or 3 additions and mix only until the mixture comes together.
3. Gather the dough into a ball and divide it into 2 to 3 pieces. Wrap them in plastic and place them in the fridge for at least 45 minutes. 
4. Oil the tart ring with butter. 
5. Roll the tart dough with a rolling pin to round, 1/8 inch thick. 
6. Roll the dough up around the rolling pin and gently fit into the the ring
7. Run the rolling pin at the top of the ring to cut off excess dough
8. Use a fork to and lightly prick the bottom
9. Weigh the tart with baking beads on top of parchment paper and put in into preheated oven at 180 degree celsius for 15-20 minutes. 
10. Remove the baking beads and parchment paper after the first 10 minutes mark
11. Remove the lightly golden brown tart shell from the oven after baking and place it on a wire rack to cool

4 tablespoons of water
1 cup (200g) granulated sugar
6 Tablespoons (90g) salted butter, cut up into 6 pieces
1/2 cup (120ml) heavy cream

1. Heat granulated sugar and water in a medium saucepan over low heat. Do not stir the mixture. 
2. Once sugar mixture is achieved and light brown colour starts to surface immediately add the butter. Be careful in this step because the caramel will bubble rapidly when the butter is added.
4. Stir the butter into the caramel until it is completely melted, about 2-3 minutes.
5. Very slowly, drizzle in 1/2 cup of heavy cream while stirring. Since the heavy cream is colder than the caramel, the mixture will rapidly bubble and/or splatter when added.
6. Allow the mixture to boil for 1 minute. It will rise in the pan as it boils.
7. Remove from heat, pour into the tart and spread evenly. 
8. Refrigerate it for at least 30 minutes to 45 minutes

Chocolate Ganache
2/3 cup of dark chocolate chips
1/2 cup of heavy cream

1. Microwave heavy cream in microwave set for 30 seconds on 2 intervals
2. Pour in dark chocolate chips into heated heavy cream and mix
3. Mix to achieve a smooth and creamy consistency
4. Pour chocolate ganache onto the tart and spread evenly
5. Refrigerate for at least 30 to 45 minutes


Chocolate icing 
1/2 cup of butter
1 cup of icing sugar
1/3 cup of cocoa powder
2 tbsp of milk

1. Sieve icing sugar and cocoa powder mixture 
2.Mix softened butter till light and creamy
3.Pour in icing sugar and cocoa powder mixture together with milk in 2/3 additons
4. Mix to a achieve a light consistency 
5. Fill in piping bag with star tip and pipe 6 circles around the ends of the tart
6.Place Ferrero Rocher on top